Support your pet’s joint health and coat with BiovaPlex®

BiovaPlex water soluble egg membrane (WSEM) offers elemental building blocks to support essential joint and skin health needs.

Pet’s joints function like human joints and they too require care as our pets get older. BiovaPlex supports joint health and healthy coats with collagen, elastin, glucosamine & chondroitin.


Promotes natural joint health, stability and flexibility plus a healthier skin and coat for pets: Canine, Feline and Equine.​



  • Improved range of motion; i.e. mobility, flexibility and function​
  • Promotes a natural anti-inflammatory response​
  • Provides collagen and other nutrients for a lustrous healthy coat​
  • Increased energy levels​

Research Timeline:

2008 Pet Health Evaluation

Pet Owners noticed a positive change within 7 days

  • 44% improvement in joint mobility in 2 weeks
  • All pets exhibited increased activity and mobility within 4 weeks
  • Reduces free radicals and oxidative damage associated with aging joints

Choose products that are nice to your skin and the planet!

What is eggshell membrane and how is it sustainably sourced?

Eggshell Membrane

It is the inner membrane inside the eggshell that would normally be considered waste material from the commercial egg industry.

Biova uses a byproduct that had no prior commercial application. It’s an upcycled “green” product.
Keeping more than 2 billion eggshells out of landfills annually!